Roger Moore

Roger Moore

Silversmith and Historian

I am very grateful for Roger’s interest in the Gallery, and his continued support for our purpose and our goals here. To offer his work here as well is a privilege we are delighted to accept.

From the always popular traditional Ball and Cone Earrings to the various designs and styles of handmade German Silver jewelry worn in 18th Century America, you will surely be as fascinated by Roger’s work as we are!

Artist Statement:

My name is Roger Moore. I am of Eastern Woodland Indian descent from a tribe in coastal Virginia.

The pieces of jewelry I make are all inspired by original 18th Century designs. Some of my pieces are exact copies of the originals. All of my work is made using the same tools and processes of jewelers and silversmiths in the late 1700’s.

-Roger Moore

JewelryKarl BearRoger Moore