Linda Weaver

Linda Weaver

Local Artisan Linda Weaver’s hand-braided rugs have been treasured by everyone who has been fortunate enough to own one. Made with 100% Wool, in a variety of styles and sizes, these rugs are often sold before they ever reach the gallery. Each rug designed with its own unique colors, Linda utilizes a multitude of shades and patterns to achieve her vision for each individual rug, to ensure each one will compliment it’s intended décor, from traditional to eclectic. Heirloom quality, beautiful, durable, low maintenance... these are all qualities that are woven (or braided!) into Linda’s one of a kind masterpieces. Not to mention comfortable! So soft you can’t resist slipping off your shoes and digging in your toes.

Linda resides in a historic farmhouse near Fredericksburg, OH.

ArtisansKarl Bear